South American regionalism?


  • Wendy Vaca Hernández FLACSO-Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Ecuador.



South American regionalism, regional construction, UNASUR


At the beginning of twenty-first century there was a renewed interest about building of regional projects and about their study. One of the projects that drew attention it can be mentioned the South American process that is framed in the region South America for the first time. The question that guides this work is, to what extent did the South American Project constitute a process of regional building? This regarding that it has been pretended construct an image of UNASUR as an ideological instrument, so justifying its dismantling and its subsequent creation of Foro para el Progreso de América del Sur (PROSUR). The documents reviewed for this investigation show that this regional Project constituted abroad process. Therefore, this did not reduce to a formal organization. This was featured by an interaction between ideal and material elements before formal organization. This can be studied from a critical perspective that also permits to approach to construction and destruction of a region from inside and outside. Last years it has taken place an internal destruction.


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Author Biography

Wendy Vaca Hernández, FLACSO-Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Ecuador.

Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales, FLACSO Ecuador. Candidata doctoral, Doctorado en Estudios Internacionales, FLACSO Ecuador. 



How to Cite

Vaca Hernández, W. . (2020). South American regionalism?. CUPEA Cuadernos De Política Exterior Argentina, (131), 47–68.



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