Chile and Uruguay in the face of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis 2023-2024.

Interpretation of official statement


  • Isaac Caro
  • Wilson Fernandez Luzuriaga Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UdelaR)


Chile, Uruguay, Israel, Palestine, International Right


The objective of this paper was to analyze the official statements issued by the Foreign Ministries of Chile and Uruguay between October 7, 2023, the date of the attack by the Islamist movement Hamas against Israel, and April 7, 2024, the date on which Six months have passed since the previous event, characterized by a strong retaliation by Israel in the Gaza Strip. As a methodological strategy, the principles of International Law contained in Resolution 2625 (1970) of the United Nations General Assembly were used as indicators. In conclusion, Uruguay tends to see an Israel that is more attacked than an aggressor by invocation or omission, by not issuing statements about its army's counteroffensive, except in one exception. Chile demonstrates a clear commitment to the destiny of Palestine beyond the 2023-2024 conflict itself.


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Author Biography

Isaac Caro

Doctor (PhD) en Estudios Americanos en la Mención Relaciones Internacionales Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales ILADES – Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Sociólogo. Director del Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



How to Cite

Caro, I., & Fernandez Luzuriaga, W. (2024). Chile and Uruguay in the face of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis 2023-2024.: Interpretation of official statement. CUPEA Cuadernos De Política Exterior Argentina, (140). Retrieved from


