La inserción internacional de regiones subnacionales. Las acciones de gestión internacional de la Región Centro hacia la República Popular China y el Sudeste de Asia (2004-2021)


  • José Ignacio Gangi Jacobacci Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Católica de Córdoba



Regiones subnacionales, gestion internacional, inserción internacional, China, Sudeste asiático


The objective of this text is to recognize the main characteristics of the international insertion carried out by the Region Centro of Argentina towards China and Southeast Asia since its relaunch in 2004 until 2021, from an International Political Economy perspective. To fulfill the task, the work analyzes in detail the modality adopted by the actions, the actors involved, the objectives pursued and the results of the five commercial and institutional missions and the two investment search operations that the
Region Centro of Argentina developed in the term. Subsequently, the interests and institutions involved are addressed, to conclude with a conclusion regarding the degree of autonomy with which the Region Centro of Argentina has carried out its international insertion in the People's Republic of China and Southeast Asia and the degree of coordination of the content of international management actions with the national foreign policy guidelines towards the destinations in question.


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How to Cite

Gangi Jacobacci, J. I. (2023). La inserción internacional de regiones subnacionales. Las acciones de gestión internacional de la Región Centro hacia la República Popular China y el Sudeste de Asia (2004-2021). CUPEA Cuadernos De Política Exterior Argentina, (138), 27–43.


