Climate Change and Energy:

background and debates around the adoption and implementation of the Paris Agreement


  • María del Pilar Bueno Universidad Nacional de Rosario. CONICET-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Argentina. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.
  • Duilio Lorenzo Calcagno Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza; Argentina



Climate Change, Energy, Society, Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions


The objective of this article is to analyze some aspects of the debate regarding the climate change-energy transition in the context of the adoption and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. In this regard, firstly, three characteristic positions in the bibliography are identified with respect to the relation CC-Energy: optimistic, transnational and technocratic; pessimistic; and realistic, gradualist. Secondly, and from a brief characterization of the multilateral process in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the national contributions presented by the ten countries that generate the greatest amount of total GHG emissions at a global level are studied in order to identify if the committed efforts are oriented towards this transition.


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Author Biographies

María del Pilar Bueno, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. CONICET-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Argentina. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.

Doctora en Relaciones Internacionales. Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Argentina (CONICET). Co-Presidente del Comité de Adaptación de la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC). Negociadora de cambio climático por Argentina. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR, Argentina). 

Duilio Lorenzo Calcagno, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza; Argentina

Profesor de Grado Universitario en Historia. Becario doctoral Fundación YPF-CONICET, Facultad de Ingeniería (Instituto CEDIAC) y Facultad de Educación, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCU, Argentina). 



How to Cite

Bueno, M. del P. ., & Calcagno, D. L. . (2020). Climate Change and Energy:: background and debates around the adoption and implementation of the Paris Agreement. CUPEA Cuadernos De Política Exterior Argentina, (127), 75–96.



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