About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Cuadernos de Política Exterior Argentina (CUPEA) born in 1986 and updated in 2016 is a biannual publication of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (National University of Rosario) with a double-blind refereed system. Its Editor is the Center for Studies in International Relations of Rosario (CERIR), settled in 1986 and devoted to the field of research and teaching in International Relations. The journal is adressed to academic community of researchers, university teachers and students who deal with different issues related to Argentina's foreign policy, its regional environment and its insertion in the world. The papers received consist mainly of essays about international actors, their domestic and external problems, the international system, global problems, governance, security, international trade and finance, as well as multilateral cooperation, international organizations, as well as the old and new regionalisms. A special focus is placed on Argentina's relations with other countries and regions, from different theoretical and empirical approaches. The publication is open to the collaboration of researchers, teachers and practitioners within the field of International Relations.

Publication background

Cuadernos de Política Exterior Argentina (CUPEA) was born in 1986 with the purpose of disseminating to national and international public, the production of the members of the Center for Studies in International Relations of Rosario (CERIR). Recently created, this Center was the result of the synergy between teachers and researchers in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, mentored by Dr. Alfredo Bruno Bologna and following the main ideas and scope of Juan Carlos Puig on International Relations. Over time, along with the production of the Institution itself, texts by other International Relations scholars were added. Until 2015 the Cuadernos de Política Exterior Argentina (CUPEA) had a single article number format, under the modality of double-blind refereed process.
From then on, an adjustment was made in order to account for the multiplicity of works that were submitted for evaluation and the requirements of the institutions that rate the academic quality of scientific publications. In this way, in 2016 the Cuadernos de Política Exterior Argentina-New Era, were presented every six months, containing contributions from various scientific articles subjected to a refereed process and complemented by opinion articles and bibliographical reviews.


Frequency of publication

CUPEA offers two issues per year, edited in June and December.

 Peer review process

Articles submitted that follow all the norms for authors defined by the editorial policy of CUPEA will be evaluated by at least two external reviewers, specialists in the subject. They can be both national and foreign specialists.
The reviewers will be appointed by the Editorial Committee and / or by the International Scientific Committee to carry out a critical and exhaustive analysis of the articles. The evaluation will be double-blind, that is, the reviewers will not know the author of the article and the author will not know who the reviewers are.

Articles can be rejected, accepted with conditions or accepted without conditions. If the article is accepted with conditions, the author must, within a stipulated period, make the improvements requested by the reviewers and the Journal or attach any additional information requested.

To be published an article needs the positive opinion from both reviewers. If one opinion is positive and the other negative, a third reviewer will be sought. If the latest opinion is negative, the article will not be published, but if it is positive then its publication will be considered.

Directors and the Editorial Board will finally accept or reject the articles, supported by the opinion of the International Scientific Committee and the reviewers.

The author will be informed by email when the article has been accepted for publication.

The articles published in the journal may be included in various portals, repositories, databases, libraries or other registration systems that the Editorial Board deems appropriate.

The views expressed in it are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not compromise the institution that edit Cuadernos de Política Exterior Argentina (CUPEA).

 Open access policy

The journal offers immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, promoting a greater global exchange of knowledge. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full text of the articles in this journal without requesting prior authorization from the publisher or the authors. These guidelines agree with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/read).

Copyright notice

Authors who publish papers in this journal hereby accept the following conditions:

Authors retain the copyright and give the journal the rights of first publication, with the work registered under the international license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.

Authors can execute independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (e.g. include it in an institutional repository – Ley 26.899 - or publish it in a book) as long as they clearly state that the article was initially published in this journal.

The journal does not charge fees for the submission of papers nor for the publication of articles (Article Processing Charge-APC).


Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.


Plagiarism Policy

Articles to be published must be original and unpublished, although those that have been communicated as a short note, communication or summary in the proceedings of a congress will also be accepted, provided that the text on which it is based is appropriately cited and that the amendments involve a substantial modification of what has already been published. These circumstances should be specified and the original publication appropriately cited.

At the time of submission of an article, the authors are requested to declare that the article has not been previously published or sent to other journals for evaluation. In addition, they have to declare they are following the Guidelines for Authors, which state that the articles to be submitted must be original.

After receiving the article and prior to the evaluation process, internet search tools are used to corroborate originality and avoid plagiarism. If necessary, the manuscript may be examined through the Crossref Similarity Check service. Likewise, when sending it for evaluation, reviewers are asked to pay attention to possible plagiarism indicators, since they are the ones who know the sources and literature on the subject.

If redundant or duplicate publications are detected, the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) will be followed (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).


Note on Ethics and Good Publishing Practices

The journal adheres to the Principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers).


Conflicts of interests

Authors must report on the existence of commercial, financial or other links with persons or institutions that may have interests related to the works published in the journal.


Digital preservation policy

The journal archives its articles in the institutional repository of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Repositorio Hipermedial UNR)  and will use the LOCKSS system provided by PKP to create a file distributed among participating libraries for preservation and restoration purposes (PKP Preservation Network https://pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-lockss/).


Indexing and inclusion in Information and Evaluation Services

The journal is included in: